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Hypnotherapy is an effective treatment modality and therapeutic tool for extensive exploration and intervention by accessing the subconscious mind. This evidence-based practice helps individuals overcome significant symptoms by uncovering the source of challenges, patterns, and repressed emotions. Mind, body, and soul tele-health demonstrates powerful advantages over in-person treatment by reducing anxiety. Guided techniques gently, safely, and comfortably bring the individual into a deep state of relaxation with the intention of self-discovery. Session can be traditional, quantum healing, and/or past life regression therapy. Lisa studied several modalities and is certified in QHHT & BQH.
Hypnosis is a technique that helps people access their gifts and internal knowledge by allowing them to transition into a "resource state" so that deep and meaningful change can occur. Hypnosis expands a person's awareness to receive positive instructions for improvement in every area of life. The conscious mind allows the subconscious mind to receive direct outside stimuli without resistance.
Hypnosis can help with everything and anything:
All clients get hypnotized. Every individual goes through states of hypnosis naturally every day. Everyone is capable of hypnosis because it's a natural state of mind that we all enter into when going to sleep and waking up. We are in hypnosis when we "daydream" and when we "stare".
One session is effective. More sessions bring more impact and are recommended. As with anything in life, the more something is experienced, the more profound it can become. Each session can go deeper than the previous. Returning sessions are discounted & do not require separate pre-induction interview.
Sessions conducted by phone via conference call line. In-person or Zoom not necessary.
Pre-induction consultation conducted separately before actual hypnosis date. Practice meditating (preferably with Lisa's meditation, which is provided free of charge as part of the order) and deep breathing leading up to session date. Trust the process. Come with an open heart and mind. More importantly, simply relax.
You (the client) are always in control. All hypnosis is self-hypnosis. Hypnotherapists and hypnosis practitioners help guide the client to allow themselves to relax into the deepest state of consciousness. Hypnosis is not mind control, but instead quieting your conscious mind to access the subconscious. It's the same as accessing the higher self version of you where all the answers and healing is found.
No. Unconscious and subconscious are not synonyms and not the same thing. Subconscious means you're still aware on a level, just at a deeper level, a more relaxed state of mind. Unconscious means you're not consciously aware or awake at all, but instead are sound asleep and not speaking. Hypnosis is not conducted when someone is unconscious.
Yes. Prior to session date, pre-induction interview conducted to cover questions, intentions and form a list of desired topics and concerns.
Lisa is certified in both modalities and combines them along with customizations based on previous session experiences to conduct specialized service for each client. The main difference is QHHT is past-life based, but can have other experiences. BQH is anything goes, opening up to more types of experiences. If past lives preferred, more QHHT implemented. Each session, despite the modality, could have any experience.
Yes, but It does not have to be. Most hypnosis modalities are regression/progression therapy. Lisa's services are her own custom multimodalities, blending traditional/clinical hypnosis with quantum healing. If traditional session booked, it's less spiritual. If quantum healing preferred, one or more past life regression(s) can be included, but not required.
No other attendees permitted. Ensure to be alone in a room without others in that room and/or the door closed.
Sessions conducted via phone and are audio recorded as a complimentary courtesy. Clients receive an email shortly after their session with a link to download the file. It's recommended to download one, if not two copies onto your device. Due to space limitations, Lisa deletes files on her end after approx. 2 weeks. PLEASE NOTE: On very rare occasions technical difficulties can occur resulting in the session not being recorded or resulting in a defective file. No refund or discount will be given in these very rare instances. Thanks in advance for understanding.
A body scan to see health issues can be performed while under hypnosis, if desired but not required.
Lisa is a medical intuitive and natural healer. She can sense physical symptoms from clients. During hypnosis, the subconscious can perform body scan & relay details about any discomfort, concerns, causes, and remedies. Healing can take place right then. The goal is to set intentions, not expectations. Lisa is not a licensed & insured medical professional. Confirmation of any diagnosis or prognosis, etc. cannot be provided for ethical and legal reasons. The information provided does not qualify as medical advice or clinical treatment. Always consult with a licensed medical professional.
* Disclaimer: This site and/or the service(s) performed, and information shared is designed for personal growth & entertainment purposes only. The information provided should not be relied on as a substitute for, nor does it replace, professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. The information contained in or made available cannot replace or substitute for the services of trained professionals in any field, including, but not limited to, financial, medical, psychological, or legal matters. Regularly consult a doctor in all matters relating to physical or mental health, particularly concerning any symptoms that may require diagnosis or medical attention. Lisa Staggs accepts no liability or responsibility for any thoughts, feelings, actions, or decisions of any visitor or client.
It's better than a reading or mediumship, although a reading or mediumship is not included and not the intention or purpose of hypnosis. Much of the information received during session is similar to a reading or mediumship. The biggest difference and most phenomenal part is the answers come form the client's mouth and voice, not Lisa's.
No. Many sessions recall positive memories or how someone passed away during a past life. The client does not "experience" pain or suffering, but instead observes in the minds eye, almost like a dream or third-party observer. Do not assume or expect to remember something bad. There is nothing to fear but fear itself. You'll never recall something you're not ready for.
All times shown are in Pacific Standard time zone (West Coast, USA). They do not auto-populate conversions into another time zone. Visit www.TimeAndDate.com to identify any time differences. See https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter-classic.html or https://www.timeanddate.com/time/map/ for more assistance.
Lisa has studied many hypnosis modalities for nearly two decades, including attending an in person workshop with Dr. Brian Weiss who is best known by his Many Lives Many Master's book and courses. Lisa first learned about past lives when he was featured on the Oprah Winfrey show. Lisa's interest reignited back in 2020 and she is certified in Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT)® & Beyond Quantum Healing (BQH)®.
Yes - New courses coming soon.
All content at www.LisaStaggs.com & information shared intended for personal growth purposes only & not as a substitute for professional medical or legal advice. Lisa Staggs accepts no liability or responsibility for any thoughts, feelings, actions, or decisions of any visitor or client.