Orders Not Managed Via Social Media DM's
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Orders and booked appointments are final. Payments or deposits are non-refundable.
Booking Calendar Appointments
Rescheduling available online directly by client if no later than 48 hours prior to original booked appointment date. Rescheduling not coordinated with Lisa directly. Rescheduling based on availability shown on calendar, likely one week minimum later than original date.
Lisa Staggs reserves the right to refuse or cancel any order for any reason whatsoever. Some situations that may result in your order being cancelled include, without limitation, non-availability of the product or quantities ordered by You, non-availability of the service, inaccuracies or errors in pricing information, or problems identified by Lisa Staggs credit and fraud avoidance department. Lisa Staggs may also require additional verifications or information before accepting any order. Lisa Staggs will contact You if all or any portion of Your order is cancelled or if additional information is required to accept Your order.
If you continue to use this website or use any services, courses, downloadable material, you are agreeing to comply with and be bound by the following terms and conditions of use, which govern Lisa Staggs’ relationship with you in relation to this website and content. The term “Lisa Staggs”, “Lisa Staggs ,” or “us” or “we” refers to the owner of the website. The term “you” refers to the user or viewer of this website or contact. The use of this website is subject to the following terms of use:
To reschedule, simply login online at https://lisastaggs.com/m/login using same email address shown on original order receipt. Click reset password if don't remember and wait up to 5 minutes for email to arrive. Automated emails can sometimes lag/delay. Always check inbox and spam folder. If link to reset does not arrive after 5 minutes, create new account here https://lisastaggs.com/m/create-account with same email address as shown on order. Avoid creating duplicate accounts or using different email address than what's shown on original order. This ensures account linked with previous and existing orders. If still having trouble, use contact form for assistance here https://lisastaggs.com/contact
Any payments, whether in full or deposit, are not applicable to other dates if cancellation is not within 48 hours of original session date. By booking you are committing both your time and Lisa's towards a shared goal. By Placing an order, you confirm your understanding and acceptance of these terms and conditions, as well as having read all descriptions, processes, turnaround times, and waitlists.
Missed Appointments
Lisa reserves the right to deny rescheduling for missed appointments. Life happens, so these are managed on a case by case basis. One missed appointment due to unforeseen emergencies can be granted once. Clients who miss more than one appointment are denied reschedules in the future.
Time Zone
Lisa is in the Pacific Time Zone (West Coast USA). This website, calendar and emails do not auto populate conversion into client's time zone. Visit https://www.timeanddate.com for assistance calculating time difference.
Contact Us
If you have any questions about this Agreement, please contact us. You can reach Lisa Staggs via the contact form at https://lisastaggs.com/contact
Spam blocks can happen even after previous email went through. With simple communication, these rare matters are easily and promptly resolved. Please no iCloud or business email addresses. Emails ending in .edu and .uk block incoming emails. Form requires cell phone number in event text message needed. Alternate email address can be provided to re-send reading.
Submit one message via Contact Form to clarify if spam issues are occurring. Please wait patiently for reply. Intentionally sending duplicate messages extends delays & confusion. Common courtesy appreciated. Lisa reserves the right to refuse service to anyone.
No problem, simply complete form below with the following information:
With this info, response & resolution can be completed in as little as 48 hours. These rare occurrences are easily resolved. Patience appreciated.
All content at www.LisaStaggs.com & information shared intended for personal growth purposes only & not as a substitute for professional medical or legal advice. Lisa Staggs accepts no liability or responsibility for any thoughts, feelings, actions, or decisions of any visitor or client.