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Transformative energetic shift by releasing blocks. Lisa is a natural healer and certified reiki master level III. Can include exactly reiki, or no reiki at all, or her multimodality process combining both.
It can help with anything & everything.
Either/or. I'm a natural healer without reiki who decided to also get certified as a reiki master and teacher. Session can be customized to client preference or multimodality combination.
Energy is not bound by time or space. Proximity holds no impact on effectiveness. Sessions conducted remotely.
Every person is different based on lifestyle, budget and preferences. Use similar perspective as a massage. One massage is wonderful, but monthly massages are great.
Each session and client is different. The most common feedback is feeling lighter, clear, positive, happy, flowy, and energized. Occasionally, the response can be any one of the following: crying, sleepy, needing to use the restroom, tingling, emotional or sensitive. Trust that none of these are bad or wrong. No matter what is experienced, it's what was needed at that time to purge and heal. Each person has their own unique blocks & needs. No two clients are identical and neither is their experience.
Questions not applicable, but requests for particular issues or concerns are welcomed. The energy goes where it's needed either way.
I am a medical intuitive and natural healer. One of my strongest abelites is sensing physical symptoms in others and how they can improve their health. The brief email after session mentions if anything in particular was noticed along with any minor advice & guidance. I am not a licensed & insured medical professional. Confirmation of any diagnosis or prognosis, etc. cannot be provided for ethical and legal reasons. The information provided does not qualify as medical advice or clinical treatment. Always consult with a licensed medical professional.
* Disclaimer: This site and/or the service(s) performed, and information shared is designed for personal growth & entertainment purposes only. The information provided should not be relied on as a substitute for, nor does it replace, professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. The information contained in or made available cannot replace or substitute for the services of trained professionals in any field, including, but not limited to, financial, medical, psychological, or legal matters. Regularly consult a doctor in all matters relating to physical or mental health, particularly concerning any symptoms that may require diagnosis or medical attention. Lisa Staggs accepts no liability or responsibility for any thoughts, feelings, actions, or decisions of any visitor or client.
Yes. Stay tuned for upcoming course offerings.
All content at www.LisaStaggs.com & information shared intended for personal growth purposes only & not as a substitute for professional medical or legal advice. Lisa Staggs accepts no liability or responsibility for any thoughts, feelings, actions, or decisions of any visitor or client.