Orders Not Managed Via Social Media DM's
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All orders are final and non-refundable. By Placing an order, you confirm your understanding and acceptance of these terms and conditions, as well as having read all descriptions, processes, turnaround times, and waitlists.
Refrain from sending check-in or order status inquiries unless valid reason to believe order did not go through. Refrain from sending duplicate/repeat messages if one was already sent. Orders not managed via social media private dm's or comment section. Zero tolerance on scams, solicitors or harassment. Lisa reserves the right to refuse service to anyone.
Valid inquiries responded to within 2-3 business days if email address provided without typos. Only personal email addresses, as company email or those ending in .edu or .gov or .uk do not work & get blocked as spam. Ensure to check inbox & spam folder.
Products and services (including but not limited to readings, hypnosis, coaching, mentorship, courses, digital downloads, meditations, journals, decks, vitamins, supplements, soaps, lotions, serums, creams): Non-Refundable. Lisa Staggs does not issue refunds. No items are returnable.
Downloadable software products, such as meditations or course materials are also not replaceable or eligible for credit. Technological glitches are properly resolved in timely manner.
All sales are final.
Any claims must be submitted within 10 days of receiving product: For packages lost in transit, all claims must be submitted no later than 10 days after estimated delivery date. Contact customer support with photograph along with brief explanation of the problem. We will review the issue and notify you of the approval or rejection of a replacement/credit. If your claim gets approved, and you require a replacement, we will have a new order shipped to you within 15 business days. Refunds applied as credit with www.LisaStaggs.com within 10 business days after approval, if approved.
We will not grant a refund, credit your account, or replace a produced product in case of:
We only replace items if they are defective. If you need to exchange it for the same item, send us an email at orders@LisaStaggs.com.
If you're approved for store credit, it's a virtual/digital balance available to use on any product or service at LisaStaggs.com as long as it does not exceed the total dollar amount of the value you've been credited.
Spam blocks can happen even after previous email went through. With simple communication, these rare matters are easily and promptly resolved. Please no iCloud or business email addresses. Emails ending in .edu and .uk block incoming emails. Form requires cell phone number in event text message needed. Alternate email address can be provided to re-send reading.
Submit one message via Contact Form to clarify if spam issues are occurring. Please wait patiently for reply. Intentionally sending duplicate messages extends delays & confusion. Common courtesy appreciated. Lisa reserves the right to refuse service to anyone.
No problem, simply complete form below with the following information:
With this info, response & resolution can be completed in as little as 24 hours. These rare occurrences are easily resolved. Patience appreciated.
All content at www.LisaStaggs.com & information shared intended for personal growth purposes only & not as a substitute for professional medical or legal advice. Lisa Staggs accepts no liability or responsibility for any thoughts, feelings, actions, or decisions of any visitor or client.