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Readings sold based on length of time & method of delivery, not by subject or topic. Quantity of topics & questions based on length of time purchased. Best to limit ONE (1) topic/question per 5-10 minutes. Most common topic options are general overall life, love, career, finances, purpose, spiritual awakening, or departed loved ones.
Straight channeling without cards or mediumship available for any reading 15 minutes in length or longer. Mediumship best when requested upfront & conducted live via phone, Zoom or TikTok, but email also works. Most importantly, take a few deep breaths & trust the process.
Frequently Asked Questions
All products & services eligible for purchase via Lisa's prepaid eGift Cards.
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Each service is unique and has it's own detailed description. Ensure to read and understand description, terms & process.
Valid orders are automatically received. Online appointment booking calendar orders receive automated order confirmation email. TikTok Live orders show as paid via app of merchant used to transfer funds.
TikTok LIVE Subscription:
There are imposters pretending to be Lisa created by scammers. Do not search, but instead use top link above for main TikTok. Lisa never initiates contact or sends private dm's via social media. Stay safe.
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Existing Clients - Email or use contact form to provide Lisa with your Zelle info and she will send request.
Time and energy limited to paid orders. If seeking more information on hypnotherapy, free twenty minute consultation available. Everything is energy and has value. For public speaking engagements, group events and business inquiries, please use Contact Form.
'As Seen on TikTok' links provided via paid online courses, coaching, mentorship and some coming to online shop soon. Lisa owns over 55 decks and has created several of her own.
Reading list (book recommendations) provided via paid online courses, coaching, mentorship and some coming to online shop soon.
Preorders available now!
Calm, deep breathing, patience, open mind and ensure to have read and understand description, terms & process.
Trust the process, feeling confident that what's needed will comes through. Time is an illusion, yet there's still only so much per reading. Too many questions back to back in a short amount of time is a common sign of anxiety & being ungrounded.
Most common are love/relationships, career and overall life in general. Any reasonable and appropriate question or topic. Best judgement, ethics and common courtesy encouraged. Lisa is not an attorney, doctor, nor financial advisor - for legal & ethical reasons, most legal, medical or investment questions cannot be answered, especially during public TikTok Live sessions. She is more flexible during private sessions.
Yes, simply request mediumship or fertility.
When asked, Lisa will look into timelines for predictions. Keep in mind:
Everyone has free will and no one is a puppet or robot. Each person has power over their reality. Therefore, not everything is set in stone and not always on an exact timeline without flexibility. Timelines adjust all the time. Thoughts, feelings and actions play a role in how things play out and when. More importantly, some things are not meant to be known ahead of time.
Private readings, energy clearing and/or hypnosis sessions best for these delicate matters. For legal & ethical reasons, Lisa cannot give an official diagnosis or prognosis, but can sense symptoms, likely causes, help the client to self-heal and ease discomfort via readings, energy clearings and hypnosis.
Follow-ups not provided. Each reading is considered new. When a reading is done, Lisa is disconnected and often doesn't remember most the details. It's like a fresh set of eyes.
Exact day and time not pre-determined, as dependent on technology (usually within 5 days). Longer footage (over 3 hours) take longer. There's an unlisted/private link to access footage. If you don't have it & would like to receive it, submit request via contact form or email.
NOTE: On very rare occasions, technical difficulties can occur resulting in session not being recorded or defective file. No refund nor discount given in these very rare instances.
No info needed upfront. Pictures are welcomed, but not required. Lisa can read without pictures, but with them she can connect a little faster, easier and stronger.
Not at this time. Energy is not bound by time or space.
Pacific Standard time zone (West Coast, USA). Be sure to read the fine print to verify if the time shown is your time zone or not. Some calendars automate a conversion and some do not, so ensure to check if it says your time zone or Lisa's. Visit www.TimeAndDate.com to identify any differences. See https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter-classic.html or https://www.timeanddate.com/time/map/ for more assistance.
Most sessions conducted via email or phone, not video. Footage not taken, nor provided on private sessions. TikTok Live footage not delivered to clients, but instead posted to YouTube. Video footage never directly provided to any client due to length & size of files resulting in technical delays.
NOTE: On very rare occasions, technical difficulties can occur resulting in session not being recorded or defective file. No refund nor discount given in these very rare instances. Recording not guaranteed.
Lisa never initiates contact, nor reaches out via private message DM on social media. Clients initiate contact through this website. It's easy to identify fake accounts. If an imposter account reaches out to you or is found, please report & block it. The only instance where Lisa contacts clients is in response to a client who reaches out first. Occasionally, promotional emails are sent. If in doubt, simply come to this site, which is www.LisaStaggs.com to see the latest information. Orders always placed here. Stay safe from scammers.
Energy is not bound by time or space. Proximity holds no impact on effectiveness. Sessions conducted remotely & independently, not in person. Mind, body, soul tele-health demonstrates powerful advantages over in-person treatment.
No phone, video or audio included in energy clearing or reiki sessions, unless explicitly specified in detailed description of service. Each service is unique. Ensure to read and understand terms & process.
Reiki and energy clearing can help with anything & everything.
Either/or. Lisa is a natural healer without reiki who decided to also get certified as a reiki master and teacher. Sessions can be customized to client preference. Typical sessions are a multimodality combination.
Every person is different based on lifestyle, budget and preferences. Use similar perspective as a massage or shower. One is wonderful, but regularly is even better.
Each session and client is different. No two clients are identical and neither is their experience. Set intentions, not expectations. The most common reactions are feeling lighter, clear, positive, happy, flowy, and energized. Occasionally, the response can be any one of the following: crying, sleepy, needing to use the restroom, or brief tingling/chills sensation. Th immediate reaction or lack there of holds no merit on effectiveness, it's works either way.
Questions not necessarily applicable, but requests for particular issues or concerns are welcomed. The energy goes where it's needed either way.
Lisa is a medical intuitive and natural healer. One of her strongest abelites is sensing physical symptoms in others and how they can improve their health. Lisa is not a licensed medical professional. Confirmation of any diagnosis or prognosis, etc. cannot be provided for ethical and legal reasons. The information provided does not qualify as medical advice or clinical treatment. Always consult with a licensed medical professional.
* Disclaimer: This site and/or the service(s) performed, and information shared is designed for personal growth purposes only. The information provided should not be relied on as a substitute for, nor does it replace, professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. The information contained in or made available cannot replace or substitute for the services of trained professionals in any field, including, but not limited to, financial, medical, psychological, or legal matters. Regularly consult a doctor in all matters relating to physical or mental health, particularly concerning any symptoms that may require diagnosis or medical attention. Lisa Staggs accepts no liability or responsibility for any thoughts, feelings, actions, or decisions of any visitor or client. Lisa is not a licensed medical professional. For legal & ethical reasons, Lisa will not provide medical diagnosis or prognosis.
Yes. Preorder online courses now.
Mentees get the most out of the program by meeting Lisa half way. Students encouraged to practice & implement what's learned. Practice techniques and methods provided. An important part of the process is overcoming fear, doubt & hesitation to put everything into action. Students are provided support for confidence building.
No, sessions do not have to be consecutive. Students can spread sessions out to every other week or twice a month. Students can reschedule or skip a week or two. Clients tend to like the momentum built with steady weeks in a row.
Sessions by phone. But Zoom video is an option for those preferring, at no additional cost. Must notify Lisa a minimum of 72 hours in advance if zoom video preferred.
All times shown are Pacific Standard time zone (West Coast, USA). They do not auto-populate conversions into another time zone. Visit www.TimeAndDate.com to identify any time differences. See https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter-classic.html or https://www.timeanddate.com/time/map/ for more assistance.
Effective treatment modality and therapeutic tool to access the subconscious mind. Evidence-based techniques to overcome significant symptoms by uncovering the source of patterns and repressed emotions. Guided into a deep state of self-discovery & subconscious reprogramming.
Hypnosis can help with everything and anything:
All clients get hypnotized. Every individual goes through various levels of hypnosis naturally every day. Everyone is capable of hypnosis because it's a natural state of mind that we all enter into when going to sleep and waking up. We are in hypnosis many times throughout normal activities, like taking a shower. It's similar to when we daydream, when we stare off into space, when the mind wonders off into it's own contemplation. The difference is that Lisa takes the client into a deeper state of hypnosis, the somnambulistic state, similar to gamma or theta brain wave lengths. In these deeper states of hypnosis is where all memories, blocks and healing are found.
One session is effective. More sessions bring more impact and are recommended. As with anything in life, the more something is experienced, the more profound it can become. Each session goes deeper than the previous.
Sessions conducted by phone via conference call line. In-person or Zoom not necessary. Mind, body, soul tele-health demonstrates powerful advantages over in-person treatment. Phone sessions have proven more effective than video, as to eliminate distractions & put the individual more at ease.
Pre-induction consultation conducted before actual hypnosis. Practice meditating (preferably with Lisa's meditation, provided free of charge as part of the order) and deep breathing leading up to session date. Trust the process. Come with an open heart and mind. More importantly, simply relax.
You (the client) are always in control. All hypnosis is self-hypnosis. Lisa guide's the individual into the deepest state of relaxation and consciousness. Hypnosis is not mind control, but instead quieting the conscious mind to access the subconscious. It's the same as accessing the higher self, where all the answers and healing is found.
No. Unconscious and subconscious are not synonyms and not the same thing. Subconscious means you're still aware on some level and not completely asleep. It's the stage right before a deep sleep. You're awake, but a more relaxed state of mind. Unconscious means you're not consciously awake at all, meaning knocked out or passed out. That means you're sound asleep and not speaking. Hypnosis is not conducted when someone is unconscious.
Yes. Pre-induction interview conducted to cover questions, intentions and form a list of desired topics and concerns.
Lisa is certified in both modalities and combines them along with customizations based on previous session experiences to conduct specialized service for each client. The main difference is QHHT is past-life based, but can have other experiences. BQH is anything goes, opening up to more types of experiences. If past lives preferred, more QHHT implemented. Each session, despite the modality, could have any experience. Traditional sessions available as well, without any past lives or spiritual intentions.
Yes, but It does not have to be. Most hypnosis modalities are regression/progression therapy. Lisa's services are her own custom multimodalities, blending traditional/clinical hypnosis with quantum healing. If traditional session booked, it's less spiritual. If quantum healing preferred, one or more past life regression(s) can be included, but not required.
No other attendees permitted. Ensure to be alone in a room without others in that room and/or the door closed.
Sessions conducted via phone and are audio recorded as a complimentary courtesy. Clients receive an email shortly after their session with a link to download the file.
NOTE: On very rare occasions technical difficulties can occur resulting in the session not being recorded or resulting in a defective file. No refund or discount will be given in these very rare instances. Thanks in advance for understanding.
A body scan to see health issues can be performed while under hypnosis, if desired but not required.
Lisa is a medical intuitive and natural healer. She can sense physical symptoms from clients. During hypnosis, the subconscious can perform body scan & relay details about any discomfort, concerns, causes, and remedies. Healing can take place right then. The goal is to set intentions, not expectations. Lisa is not a licensed medical professional. Confirmation of any diagnosis or prognosis, etc. cannot be provided for ethical and legal reasons. The information provided does not qualify as medical advice or clinical treatment. Always consult with a licensed medical professional.
* Disclaimer: This site and/or the service(s) performed, and information shared is designed for personal growth purposes only. The information provided should not be relied on as a substitute for, nor does it replace, professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. The information contained in or made available cannot replace or substitute for the services of trained professionals in any field, including, but not limited to, financial, medical, psychological, or legal matters. Regularly consult a doctor in all matters relating to physical or mental health, particularly concerning any symptoms that may require diagnosis or medical attention. Lisa Staggs accepts no liability or responsibility for any thoughts, feelings, actions, or decisions of any visitor or client.
It's better than a reading or mediumship, although a reading or mediumship is not included and not the intention or purpose of hypnosis. Much of the information received during session is similar to a reading or mediumship. The biggest difference and most phenomenal part is the answers come form the client's mouth and voice, not Lisa's.
That is not the intention, nor a requirement. Many sessions recall positive memories or how someone passed away during a past life. The client does not experience pain or suffering, but instead observes in the minds eye, almost like a dream or third-party observer. Do not assume or expect to remember something bad. There is nothing to fear but fear itself. You'll never recall something you're not ready for.
All times shown are in Pacific Standard time zone (West Coast, USA). They do not auto-populate conversions into another time zone. Visit www.TimeAndDate.com to identify any time differences. See https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter-classic.html or https://www.timeanddate.com/time/map/ for more assistance.
Lisa has studied many hypnosis modalities for nearly two decades, including attending in person workshop with Dr. Brian Weiss who is best known for his Many Lives Many Master's book and courses. Lisa first learned about past lives when he was featured on Oprah Winfrey. Lisa's interest reignited back in 2020 and she achieved certification in Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT)® & Beyond Quantum Healing (BQH)®.
Yes - Preorder now!
Private sessions or public TikTok Live. Any combination of straight channeling, mediumship and/or cards.
Individual custom multimodality combining innate gifts with trained techniques. Release energetic blocks mentally, emotionally, physically, spiritually, & financially.
Connect with the subconscious for self-discovery and mental, emotional, spiritual, physical, financial, energetic healing.
Reach potential in personal & professional goals. Optional Topics: Mental, emotional, spiritual, physical, financial, career/purpose, relationships. Customized based on individual needs.
Uncover & expand your own intuition, psychic abilities with optional mediumship. Spiritual coaching & counseling to navigate awakening. 6-week multilevel programs, sold separately.
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All content at www.LisaStaggs.com & information shared intended for personal growth purposes only & not as a substitute for professional medical or legal advice. Lisa Staggs accepts no liability or responsibility for any thoughts, feelings, actions, or decisions of any visitor or client.